Rinnai Super High Efficiency Plus 9 GPM Residential 160,000 BTU Interior Natural Gas Tankless Water Heater
Customer Reviews
Rinnai's super high-efficiency plus condensing outdoor tankless water heater models offer the most advanced technology. Now, with Smart-Circ, Rinnai RSC model water heaters learn your water usage patterns to start circulating hot water on your schedule, anticipating your hot water needs for a shorter wait and saving energy during times when you don't typically use hot water. Unlike tank heaters which accumulate rusty sediments, this tankless water heater has a longer lifespan. Designed to be extremely compact, this small water heater only takes up the space of a small suitcase, letting you reclaim some of your home's most valuable real estate. This ENERGY STAR qualified hot water heater can be made even smarter and with Wi-Fi connectivity; requires control-r module.